Monday, December 30, 2019

Diabetes An Essential Strategy For Controlling Type 2...

Diabetes is the major cause of morbidity and mortality, and it may lead to multiple conditions (Ghafoor, Riaz, Eichorst, Fawwad Basit, 2015). The incidence of diabetes complications can be reduced if the clients are able to control their blood sugar level (BGL), thereby reducing hospital interventions and health care costs (Kewming D Amore, Eleanor Mitchell, 2016). Hence client education is said to be the corner stone of diabetes management (O’Brien, Cardwell, Nair Hardy, 2015). Diabetes self-management education (DSME) is an essential strategy for controlling Type 2 Diabetes. The DSME aims to modify lifestyle and to promote self-management practices, thereby promoting positive metabolic outcomes (Ghafoor, Riaz, Eichorst, Fawwad Basit, 2015). Rural district nurses provide diabetes education for their clients by promoting client engagement, regular assessment and encouraging clients to follow medical advice (Dunning, 2013). In my clinical setting Type 2 diabetic education is conducted by the rural nurse. Initially, the rural nurse assesses the literacy level of health consumers and family by holistic communication. Thereafter, the nurse educates the client on appropriate interventions to manage signs, symptoms and possible complications of diabetes and how to live with it (Padgett, Mumford, Hynes Carter, 2013). This involves education, usually through home visits, about control of blood glucose, medications and their side effects, appropriate diet and exercise,Show MoreRelatedDiabetes Case Study1337 Words   |  6 Pagespumps are not more effective than injections at helping people with type 1 diabetes control their blood sugar levels and people with type 2 diabetes can control their glucose level by following a healthy meal plan and losing excess weight and by taking medications. The medications will often change during the course of the disease for each person. 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